Pedestrians, cyclists and others should plan for minor route changes across the bridge starting Monday, June 5

It’s inspection time for Portland’s transit and pedestrian bridge. TriMet’s biennial inspection of Tilikum Crossing, Bridge of the People, begins Monday, June 5, and will last until Friday, June 9. Due to the work, pedestrians, cyclists and people using other modes, like e-scooters, will need to use a single pathway between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for each day of the inspection. TriMet bus and MAX service, as well as Portland Streetcar service, will not be affected.
We ask that you follow the posted detour signs, and we urge cyclists to walk their bikes and yield to those on foot to help keep everyone safe.
We’re working to keep the Tilikum Crossing in tip-top shape and apologize for any inconvenience the temporary path closures may cause. During the inspection, you may notice workers on top of, beside and even underneath the bridge.
Construction closures/detours – 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day

Most of the inspection work can take place with minimal impacts to pedestrians. One side of the bridge will always be open to pedestrians and one-way bicycle traffic. If you are cycling against the flow, we do ask that you either walk your bike across or use an alternate route, such as the Hawthorne Bridge.
Use marked crosswalks near the South Waterfront/SW Moody MAX Station on the west end or the OMSI/SE Water MAX Station on the east end of the bridge.
Safety inspections are required on Tilikum Crossing and the adjacent Harbor Way structure every two years. Since the bridge opened in 2015, inspections have taken place in June 2017, 2019 and 2021. Learn more about Tilikum Crossing.