One of 150 transit agencies to receive a federal grant, TriMet will use the funds to upgrade the Beaverton Transit Center

TriMet has been awarded a $5.6 million federal grant to reshape bus layover areas and upgrade operator break facilities at Beaverton Transit Center. It comes from $1.66 billion in grants awarded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to 150 transit agencies across the country, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in 2021.
Beaverton Transit Center dates back to the mid-’80s and is due for an upgrade. The improvements will update the transit center’s facilities and layout. The emphasis will be on operator and rider comfort and improving access to a bustling transit hub in an area that’s changed considerably since it opened in the late 1980s. Updates to the transit center will also aid bus lines serving major job centers in Washington County.
Changes coming
Construction is expected to begin in early spring of 2025 and wrap up about a year later. While the FTA’s grant will pay for the bulk of the $6.9 million project, the remainder of TriMet’s funding will come from Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF).
Renovations to the Beaverton Transit Center will help expand it to better support bus operations and planned service upgrades for the Portland region. That will include space to accommodate new electric buses in the future.
TriMet continues to expand its fleet of electric buses. In April, TriMet’s Board of Directors approved the first bulk order purchase of 24 zero-emissions buses. That represented our single largest investment in electric bus technology to date and a significant step toward transitioning to a zero-emissions bus fleet by 2040.
Climate solutions
The FTA’s Bus and Bus Facilities Grant Program makes funding available to help transit agencies move toward a modern, green future. It helps agencies replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities, including technological changes or innovations to modify low- or no-emission vehicles or facilities.
Public transit plays an important role in helping our climate. Every time you board a bus or MAX train, you’re taking a step that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. TriMet’s investments in low- and zero-emissions technology, as well as alternative fuel and energy sources, help our region address climate change and create a healthier future for everyone. Learn more about TriMet’s Climate Action Plan.