Use your contactless bank card, mobile wallet or smartwatch to purchase Adult fare and earn a Month Pass as you ride!
TriMet is always looking for ways to make riding our transit system faster, easier and more convenient. And we’re excited to let you know about our newest innovation— one that saves you time, stress and possibly money!
First, did you know you can use your personal credit or debit card (NFC-enabled) to purchase Adult fare at any of our 1,000 Hop readers? The same with your mobile wallet or smartwatch. Skip the ticket vending machine and just tap your phone at the Hop reader. It’s that easy!

And now, when you use your contactless bank card, mobile wallet or smartwatch to pay your fare—and ride regularly— you’ll automatically get the main benefit of a Hop Fastpass® card: earning a Month Pass as you ride, with free rides after you reach $100.
With Hop, you’ll never pay more than the cost of a Day Pass in a single day and never pay more than the cost of a Month Pass in a single month. Just make sure you always tap with the same card – whether a physical payment card, a card stored in your mobile wallet, a device such as a smartwatch or your Hop card.
How to use your bank card, phone or smartwatch to purchase fare at the Hop reader
Your contactless bank card, phone or smartwatch can be used to purchase Adult fare – not only at ticket machines on rail platforms– but also at the green Hop readers. If your card has an NFC symbol – that’s four curved lines that get bigger from left to right – then you can use it to pay at a Hop reader. Find a Hop reader next to the fare box when you step on board a bus or when you board a Portland Streetcar. Hop readers are located at the entrance to your MAX or WES station. There are two Hop readers at each station, one at each end. Currently, this option is available to purchase Adult fare.
Simply touch the card to the NFC symbol on the Hop reader. The NFC symbol is located below the Hop display screen. Listen for the tone as the Hop reader confirms your purchase. It will also display a green check mark and the time remaining on the valid fare. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.
Prefer your mobile wallet, no problem!
You can also pay Adult fare using Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay. Just tap your phone to the Hop reader each time you ride. Again, listen for the tone or look for the green check mark on the Hop reader screen to verify your payment.
Whether you pay with a contactless credit or debit card, mobile wallet or your Hop card, please keep your payment method close at hand. It is your proof of payment if one of our Customer Safety Supervisors asks to see your fare.
Use the same card or device each time you ride and one per rider!
Use the same card or device every time you ride and ride more frequently to get the benefits of Hop. Tap your card or phone once to purchase a 2 ½-hour Adult ticket, and your card will show a charge for $2.80. Use the same card or device and tap to purchase fare again within the same day, and earn a Day Pass. Continue tapping to validate your fare with every ride, but you won’t be charged again that day. You’ll never pay more than $5.60 to use our buses and trains to get wherever you need to go, for the entire day.
Keep using the same card or device to purchase fare throughout the month, and watch your savings add up. After you’ve paid for your 18th-Day Pass within a calendar month, you’ll ride the rest of the month for free! Keep tapping with each ride to validate your fare, but don’t worry about getting charged. Hop does the math for you and ensures you’ll never pay more than you should.
When you’re paying with a contactless credit card, Hop links the rider to the card. So, each Adult rider must use their own card, phone or smartwatch. When you tap the card after the first 2 ½-hour ticket purchase, it will validate your fare and show you how much time is remaining, but you cannot purchase a separate fare with the same card or device.
Let your guests know that using a contactless credit card or their mobile wallet to ride is a great option for less frequent travelers too!
Are you heading to PDX for Spring Break or expecting out-of-town guests? Skip the ticket machine at the airport or any other MAX station. Instead, use your contactless credit card or mobile wallet and simply tap it to a Hop reader. Your tap is your ticket to ride.
Learn about TriMet fares
TriMet has reduced fares for Youth and Honored Citizen riders. Qualify automatically for Honored Citizen fare with age (65+) and enrollment in Medicare. Register to qualify based on disability, income or military status. Learn more about our fares here.