TriMet News

TriMet lanza una encuesta para mejorar las conexiones con los pasajeros de todos los idiomas


Con preguntas sobre el uso del transporte público y las preferencias de idiomas y comunicación, la encuesta ayudará a TriMet a comprender cómo podemos atender mejor las necesidades de nuestra comunidad en cuanto a idiomas. English translation En TriMet, siempre estamos trabajando para mejorar y hacer que el servicio de transporte sea más accesible para […]

TriMet now offers $7,500 hiring bonus for mechanics and other select maintenance positions


Increased bonus for many union maintenance positions and training opportunities aims to bolster TriMet’s ability to provide reliable transit service At TriMet, we are dedicated to providing safe and reliable transit service. The backbone to that is our amazing Maintenance team. To increase its ranks, we are increasing our hiring bonus for select maintenance positions […]

(VIDEO) Transit-Oriented Development near TriMet’s Hollywood MAX Station reaches milestone with accessibility improvements


As part of the hollywoodHUB development, a new permanent ramp structure leading to the MAX station opens Improved connections have arrived near the Hollywood/NE 42nd Ave MAX Station, with the first phase of public investments completed for a new transit-oriented development project. With TriMet’s leadership and funding, a new and permanent ramp connecting the MAX […]